I do celebrate international women’s day

What’s the fuss about Women’s day?

Do we really need Women’s day? Isn’t every day women’s day? What’s the fuss about women’s day? Women already have so many privileges like special berths in trains, quotas in politics, Maternity leave while in work … just to name a few, what do men have ?

When will men be granted any of the privileges?

Everyday is women’s day! Why a special day?

About Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (#IWD), falls on March 8 every year, celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

The day also sets a reminder on the lack of opportunities for women and marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

This day I celebrate and express my gratitude

I use this day to celebrate and express my gratitude to all those women who’ve made it big

  • Those who made it in Sports despite all odds like PT Usha, Hima Das , Mary Kom, Deepa Karmakar and many more
  • All the women who were part of Mangalyaan project, proving Rocket science is for women too.
  • The CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies who prove women can lead companies as well as they lead their own homes
  • Heads of the states and all other politicians who prove we can make the world a better place
  • The bankers and the heads of banking institutions who proved women are good at numbers and
  • The Women in armed forces, reminding us it’s not the just the men who can protect the country

This is the day to reinforce and remember

I salute to all the women who have not made it big, but are making a difference by just being who they are

  • They get up every morning in the wee hours and ensure everyone is taken care before they head for work
  • Have followed their dream despite all odds.
  • Refuse to take a “No” from an answer and continue .. setback after setback will.
  • Spend their lives in service of others, and don’t look for accolades
  • Take pride, not in the economic value they add but the value they add to their family and to the society
  • Contribute silently, without promoting themselves on all the social media of the world

I still observe women’s day to remind myself

  • According to Global Gender Gap report 2020 Gender parity will not be achieved in the next 99.5 years
  • Literacy in India is 65.46% and 82.14% for women and men respectively
  • Men are still not entitled to take paternity leave
  • Journals which rate women in administrative services on how beautiful they are than on the contribution they make in development of society
  • There are managers who promote men on potential and women on performance
  • Women carry the primary responsibility of child care and elder care
  • The unfair share of household work is with the women (working or not working)

Women’s day is important for me

  • Every woman who works rekindles the hope that we will be equal one day
  • Every girl child who aspires to touch the stars, needs to be told … it is possible
  • Every teenager needs to be reminded, beauty is not skin deep
  • Every child should go up thinking, we should be assigned labout by our skills and interests and not by our gender

I will continue to celebrate Women’s day until we are all #Eachforequal for and equal world is a happy world .

References :

https://www.weforum.org/reports/global-gender-gap-report-2020 https://www.internationalwomensday.com/

Picture courtesy : Girl power vector created by rawpixel.com – www.freepik.com


To know more about how can you celebrate women’s day all year round contact us at connect@ananyawomenatwork.com

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