International women’s day – 2018

Tokenism is what we don’t need. The women’s day is meant to spread awareness about what each one of us can do to ensure and equitable world. The Women’s day is a reminder to everyone about a community which represents  50% of the world population, has an unfair share in economy, politics, society and culture. It’s an alarm bell as a reminder call for action for promoting gender parity

Are we overdoing it?

In light of India Ranking 108 on Global gender gap Index dismally low [from a total of 144 economies], India’s greatest challenges lie in the economic participation of women and opportunity pillar where the country is ranked 139; and the health and survival pillar where the country is ranked 141. The Economic participation is low as 66% of women’s work in India is unpaid Labour.

WEF also claims, going by the current rate it will take 217 years to close the workplace Gender divide worldwide.

If these stats don’t convince you … what will !

Ananya-Women@Work –

Chucking tokenism on women’s day for summoning call for action.

Organisations have been celebrating women’s day with lunch outing, very interesting games, competition on dressing style and many more…. All this brings up the question … how is this helping women to grow in the workforce. Ananya-Women@Work did its bit to in ensuring celebration goes beyond the mere tokenism and also beyond giving them a platform to bring out their creative expressions

The week started with a session on Unconscious biasand how it impacts the women in workforce with men and women of AT&T participating in a discussion about how unconscious bias effects our decision making at workplace. This was followed by Self-awareness foundation of Emotional Intelligence at Infor. An engaged audience asked questions and also contributed on whether EI is being over-used.

The women’s day was a panel discussion on #pressforprogress at Host Analytics. With three women and two men in the panel, the #heforshe was a live example. Host Analytics, has been progressing steadily on improving their gender ratio without any formal diversity goal or any process changes. According to them, being fair in the interview by itself has ensured better diversity numbers. The powerful sharing by the men and women holding responsible position at Host Analytics, ensured lot for the audience as take-awaya.

ServiceNow with fairly new in making its presence in India, had a session with close to 45+ women in on #pressforprogress. The session ended with a group activity where each group presented their commitment to #pressforprogress with action points

Hysea is conducting a leadership program for women. An interactive session on Executive presence on making their presence felt in the workplace and how communication, gravitas and appearance helps close the gap between merit and growth.

The highlight of the week was its end with a session on harassment for the very young girls of SD convent. The young girls had misconception about HIV and menstruation. Though on an expert on the subject I hope to have clarified some of their doubts. Also encouraged them to dream big and follow their dream.

The week that was … a week of gratitude, a week of hope, a week of dreams, a week of sharing personal stories, a week of enthusiasm and week of making commitments. This is the way Ananya-Women@Work chooses to #pressforprogress.

We look forward to a day when women’s day need NOT be celebrated. Every woman who enters this world is assured a world of equality

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