How the ANANYA Program Empowered Women and Transformed Leadership Dynamics in a Traditional Manufacturing MNC

Problem statement as shared with us: Women are not growing in the organisation. The gender diversity ratio is dwindling as we move to the top

Organisation type: A traditional MNC into hard-core manufacturing and India unit catering to Asia region. Due to its nature of work, the organisation was highly male-dominated.

Our initial understanding:

The organisation was undergoing a major re-org in terms of structure and all the staff roles were to be eliminated. After speaking with the key stakeholders and focus group discussions,  we concluded that the women did not lack ambition, but lacked direction. Along with the stakeholders from the orgnisation, we co-crafted a vision aimed at enabling these women to progress either vertically or laterally within the organization.

Our Proposition: Offered ANANYA program.

With an initial group size of 19 participants, we embarked on a journey towards their personal and professional goals. Our program ANANYA was tailored to suit the needs of the group and the organisation

We collaborated with their leaders and the professionals from the HR department to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for participants to thrive.


The impact of our tailored intervention has been remarkable, 15 of the 19 participants advanced to higher-level roles within the organisation in just 2 years.

The success of this three-pronged strategy resonated globally, leading to the program’s expansion in 2021. The subsequent groups included participants from Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, reflecting its universal relevance and impact.

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